Started saving for Christmas?

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Posted by: Marketing Team
Posted on: 02/09/2024

Prepare for a Stress-Free Christmas with DCB’s Christmas Saver Account

Open a Christmas Saver here!

As we enjoy the summer sunshine, it might feel early to think about the festive season. However, planning ahead is key to a stress-free and financially sound Christmas. At DCB, we offer a Christmas Saver account designed to help you set aside money throughout the year, ensuring you have plenty of funds when December arrives.

Key Features of a DCB Christmas Saver Account:

  • Savings Period: Deposit any amount you like from January to October.
  • Funds Accessibility: Your savings are locked until October 1st, preventing premature spending.
  • Financial Peace of Mind: By saving gradually, avoid running up credit card debt or taking out loans for holiday expenses.
  • Ease of Saving: Regular deposits, even small ones, can grow significantly over time, ensuring a comfortable financial buffer.

How to Get Started:

  1. Existing Account Requirement: To open a Christmas Saver account, you must first have a Regular Savings account with DCB.
  2. Deposit Flexibility: Start depositing any amount that suits your budget. There are no minimum deposit requirements, making it easy to save at your own pace.
  3. Account Setup: Log into your DCB online banking portal to set up your Christmas Saver account.

Benefits of Early Saving:

  • Financial Security: Enjoy the festive period with your friends and family without the stress of holiday expenses.
  • Debt-Free Holidays: Avoid the burden of holiday debt and start the new year on a positive financial note.
  • Long-Term Savings Habit: Establish a disciplined saving habit that can benefit your overall financial health.

Start your journey to a financially worry-free Christmas today with DCB’s Christmas Saver account. Plan ahead, save wisely, and enjoy the festive season knowing you’re financially prepared.

Here’s our top Christmas tips!

Christmas Saving Tips

Become a regular Saver! Look how quickly even small amounts build up

Save Weekly 3 weeks 6 weeks 12 weeks
£5 £15 £30 £60
£10 £30 £60 £120
£15 £45 £90 £180
£20 £60 £120 £240
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