Are you behind on your loan repayments?

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Posted by: Marketing Team
Posted on: 11/06/2024

Have you Fallen into Arrears?

Perhaps you know someone who is struggling in this position?

Unfortunately, when you miss a loan repayment, your account falls into arrears i.e. you have fallen behind on your loan repayments.

If it remains in arrears our team will contact you via phone, email. If you find yourself in financial difficulty and unable to meet your credit union loan repayments, please contact us & we can support you. We’re here to help you through this difficult time.

If you have:
  • Become redundant or employment circumstances change,
  • Family circumstances have changed,
  • Are on a low income,
  • Fallen behind in loan repayments,
  • Are in ill health
  • Find yourself over-indebted
  • Finding it difficult to meet repayments

Our Arrears Team will:

  • Review your account & discuss your overall situation
  • Help you to write a realistic budget, if you wish,
  • Assist you in getting back on track with repayments
  • Discuss all options available to you & work together to agree a realistic payment plan
  • And we do not charge our members a fee for this service!

Contact our Arrears Team today and start the process of getting back on your feet!

Email –

Call Us – 01332 348144

For more details on “Missed Payments” click below

Missed Payments

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